Format: Paperback
Language: Swedish
Number of pages: 152
Release date: 2019-09-11
Publisher: Ekström & Garay
ISBN: 9789189047051
An autobiography about when pregnancy and cancer come together
Anette Selberg makes her debut with Pregnant - with life at stake, an autobiography about how her life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with cancer during her second pregnancy. Afterwards, Anette felt that her experiences could help others in similar situations, and has therefore chosen to publish her thoughts and experiences from the illness period.
"The gift of being a woman brings many responsibilities. Motherhood is one of them. But when motherhood and illness coincide at the same stage of life, it brings a very difficult conflict for a mother's heart to deal with."
Pregnant - with life at stake is a powerful, revealing book, mixing doubts and fears with the author's strong desire to get well. The book tells of a journey of personal learning and addresses the taboos and difficult contradictions that can face expectant mothers. Anette wants to show that with the right mentality and strength, you can move on from a battle that seemed lost.
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Anette Selberg Pregnant - With life at stake 2019-09-24 Download PDF
In Anette's book "Pregnant with life as a stake", there are sudden shifts between life and death, between hope and despair. When I read how the ambulance staff switch on the blue lights and step on the gas, I feel my pulse increase and find myself reading faster, all to catch up before it's too late.
Unlike many other books about fertility treatment and the desire for children, here a child comes first and the book could have ended there, but then it would most likely have become a story in the crowd. Instead, it's a book I find hard to let go of, I have to know, because just when you feel you can breathe out, the next blow comes.
I am impressed by how some people are repeatedly knocked down but manage to get up again.
It's easy to get discouraged if you read a book about constant adversity but I think it's an easy read, well worth reading and a book that can spread hope to others who are struggling to feel that there is a light and something that can come out of it.
I really like the book!
Without a doubt one of the best books I have read!
Incredibly revealing, educational, poignant, emotional and thought-provoking.
I have cried rivers, smiled, laughed and been really annoyed. It's been a rollercoaster reading this story and it has given me perspective and insight.
Thank you @anetteherbalista for your courage, your strength and for your whole being.
You are an incredible inspiration and give a whole new meaning to the saying "live life here and now".
I am incredibly grateful for your knowledge that you generously share during treatments and for the joy, hope and positive energy you spread just by your existence.
Really well written book. I enjoyed it very much and I don't even have children.
Just finished reading your book. Before I read it, I was impressed with your ability to pull off the feat of writing and getting a book published. Now that I have read it, I understand what you went through and am impressed with how you actually did it.
You are super strong and super cool mum and I understand that there must have been many hard times in recent years. There has certainly been much sadness, but also joy and strength. Brave that you share with you. It is needed.
You and the book are amazing Anette, so poignant! Finished reading it the day after the holiday, walking on the pedestrian crossing with the book in front of my nose, so captivating! Impressed by your writing but above all by your struggle, what a strong primal woman and warrior you are️
Queen of fucking everything
Thank you for your story, it touched me a lot. Keep writing!!!
This book really affected me. I cried many times while reading and thought "now she can't go through any more hardships". I am struggling myself and feel that after reading this book my hopes for my own life increased.
I often feel that I will never get pregnant and especially not now after my diagnosis and treatment. But if someone else manages to have two babies and go through a thousand times worse things than me, it gives me hope that I will also succeed.
It is important to read about other people's misfortunes and successes, about how they are strong and have the strength to overcome difficult situations, to empower yourself as a reader. Anette is, as I said, a debutant and she debuts with a really good book that, as I said, has an impact. I can really recommend this!
A real page turner, it could not be put down. A very poignant and emotional book. It was hard to hold back the tears. The story is well written with simple language.
Going through cancer and infertility must really, well I can't even imagine how it would feel, but you get a very good insight in the book. Recommended everyone to read this book.
The book gets 5/5 from us
Have just read the book! Fantastically well written. Not a dry eye in the house. So poignant, what a struggle and what a fighter you are Good luck with life and family🥰
Congratulations Anette! I have read the book, very good and poignant.
Continued reading the moment I woke up this morning. I am still shaken, shivering. You are magic. You are strength.
A very poignant but easy to read book. The book offers both laughter and tears. I read the book almost in one sitting and can really recommend you to read it.
What a fighter you are Anette, as well as the rest of the family. My rating is 4 out of five stars.
"This book that Anette Selberg has written is absolutely fantastic! Read it a few days ago and everything she got about life, family, love, adventures, involuntary pregnancy, cancer news and life after!
In her own words, we learn about everything she and her family have been through and how they are now looking ahead!
Highly recommend it, this book should be read by everyone at least once!
"The forest is my strength, there I find my strength"
"Now I've given myself an evening for reading so your well-written, warm, honest, life-affirming, revealing and powerful book I've read from cover to cover! Thank you for sharing your life with me! In my "book" is written "pass it forward" - whatever I do, I want to give of myself to someone else, something or something. Your book will be "something" that someone will read."
"Yesterday the book I ordered from Anette arrived, today I read it. All of it, without a break. So sad, so happy, so beautiful, so sad, so personal. What a journey Anette! Sometimes I smiled, sometimes the tears came. What an amazing person you are and what a role model YOU are"
"Such a beautiful book, so poignant and powerful. I read it twice in one sitting."
"Best book I have ever read! Should be on every bookshelf."
Pregnant with life at stake - very worth reading.
Brave of you to share. It is needed.
I highly recommend Anette's fine personal story, about difficult life traumas and about the way back to a healthy life in community with family, relatives and friends. The book is very worth reading even for those who have not been affected by cancer. I highly recommend this book and author.
I am still shaken, shivering. I have thought it many times, you are magic. You are strength.
You are an amazing fighter Anette. Highly recommend your book. Read it cover to cover and will read it again.
Anette has an amazing life story that she has now published. I read the book and was incredibly moved and happy. Would encourage everyone to buy Anette's book!
What a journey you have been through! And of course your husband too!!!
You are incredibly strong for getting through all the obstacles and also sticking to your belief in what was best for you all along. I'm very impressed and also very humbled to have read your story. Have never thought about what a terrible thing it must be to go and long for getting pregnant and that nothing happens for a long period, must wear incredibly on both the individuals but also the relationship. That then you also suffer from cancer is so incredibly tragic!
Thank you for sharing your story - it has really touched me deeply.
Incredibly good book! Too bad I've finished it. What a fighter you are and have been. No more cancer.
Have read and pondered your book. Absolutely fantastic reading. Many tears and laughter. You have a given fans here.
It is so good. I can't put it down, it's so engrossing. Just waiting for the baby to fall asleep so I can read some more.
Have now read your book.
Thank you very much. For being strong enough to share. For being able to push your health forward. For letting me spend some time in the sun with you. On a hill.
Fantastic book! I used a lot of tissues though.
Anette Selberg talks honestly and openly about her fight against cancer, but also about the fight for her daughter to survive. The book is well written and easy to read despite very heavy topics.
It is very emotional, her eyes teared up several times, both with sadness and joy. Some people are stronger than others, Anette is one such person.
4 out of 5 stars.
"An amazing story. You are a brave strong woman!"
Gripping story you won't want to miss!
The universe made me stumble upon your book and I truly understand why. Thank you Thank you Thank you for so honestly and sincerely sharing your journey through life. Just finished listening to your book in tears, can't find the words. It touches me on so many levels and makes me feel less alone on my journey. You give me strength, courage and hope that everything will be fine.Am myself in the ivf journey, have just lost my closest friend to cancer and trying to find the courage to fully dare to open my innermost door and release my true self, drop the good girl facade and break away from jobs that are not in line with my inner dream. And instead follow my dream and direct my life and design it as I wish, and just like you help people to physical and spiritual healing in an alternative way. Thank you again! 🙏❤❤❤🌟