Boken ”Gravid med livet som insats”

An autobiography about when pregnancy and cancer come together

Anette Selberg makes her debut with Pregnant - with life at stake, an autobiography about how her life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with cancer during her second pregnancy. Afterwards, Anette felt that her experiences could help others in similar situations, and has therefore chosen to publish her thoughts and experiences from the illness period.

"The gift of being a woman brings many responsibilities. Motherhood is one of them. But when motherhood and illness coincide at the same stage of life, it brings a very difficult conflict for a mother's heart to deal with."

Pregnant - with life at stake is a powerful, revealing book, mixing doubts and fears with the author's strong desire to get well. The book tells of a journey of personal learning and addresses the taboos and difficult contradictions that can face expectant mothers. Anette wants to show that with the right mentality and strength, you can move on from a battle that seemed lost.

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Press release

Anette Selberg Pregnant - With life at stake 2019-09-24 Download PDF